Sunday, February 26, 2012

Block of the Month

I have started a Block of the Month at my local quilt store - A Touch of Amish in Barrington.  It started last month and Friday night I was furiously trying to finish the first block before the next class.  I followed the directions and used the material they provided on the first block. 

This is my first block.  Pretty house, isn't it?

This is my second house.  I decided to change from pretty houses and make a quilt for Halloween.  I love decorating for Halloween.  The only fabric I kept the same was the bricks on the house. I think I am going to keep the fabric I have for the sky consistent with all my blocks.  I need to redo the first block.  I also need to figure out if I am going to make two quilts, one with the houses normal, and one with Halloween houses....

Friday, February 3, 2012

Giveaway Notice

Please check out Rosa's blog...she is giving away some adorable items for Valentine's Day.  I have to admit that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crotched heart.  I have always wanted to learn how to crotchet...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So, being one month into 2012, I thought it would be good to relook at my goals for the year and see how I am doing with them....

1.  For Goal #1 - I have been working on the other bird quilt, and have been posting my progress.  Woohoo!!!  I will hopefully be quilting tomorrow night with my good friend Karen...

2.  I have picked up cross stitch...granted I have only stitched about 3 times in the past month, but that is still a HUGE improvement.

3.  Olaina's room is almost fully decorated.  I need to make curtains, but not sure if I want to have solid color curtains, or go with the Zebra stiped theme.

4.  I read 2 YA books in the past month and a short story by Stephen King. 

5.  Ok..haven't been blogging once a week, but I am improving over last year  : )

6. The only training I have done so far is from the sofa to the kitchen and back....Need to work on this one. 

7.  I have successfully made vanilla french macarons...and I successfully ate almost all of them.  I think I may have given each of my children one of them.  So, while I made some great cookies for my kids, I wasn't as good at sharing them.  Maybe that should have been the resolution!!!

8. I went to see a movie with my girlfriends this past month.  We went to see Joyful Noise...great movie if you need an uplifting movie to see.  My friend Karen and I also started going to a quilting class.  It meets once a month and they give you a new house block to work on.  I will post my completed blocks.....

So, hopefully I will make some more progress on my goals....signing off to read The Hunger Games....